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"Get Hooked on New York"

Top water heavan Comments

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User: hagabass
Comment: I mostly use the 85's unless it's windy then I upsize to the 110.

Date: 09/23/16 10:22 AM

User: hagabass
Comment: I get them @ tacklewarehouse. Everything loves them, you need to walk the dog with em, very easy and great action. Upgrade the hooks, stock hooks are good till your 1st 3lb fish, then garbage. Was out last night and got two 20"+ slime darts, one broke a hook and a nice 3lb LMB.

As for hook sets, yea, you need to slow down. Blow ups don't make me flinch anymore, sure way to lose the fish. I don't set the hook till I see line going out. They simply miss a lot but at least you know you're in the right place.
Date: 09/23/16 10:11 AM

User: badlarry
Comment: Do the smallies like them pencils?
Date: 09/23/16 12:01 AM

User: badlarry
Comment: Yes I've been told the 1-2-3 just like frogging but sometimes I do the old knee jerk n set to soon. My first yr at spooks so getting the hang of it.I've had the fish completely jump over lure and others smash it 3ft in air sometimes they just miss. But it is spectacular to watch. Do they sell those pencils at bass pro?
Date: 09/22/16 11:58 PM

User: fisherman2401
Comment: Badlarry want to hook up more on top water? Once you see the strike give it the 1-2-3 count then set the hook. I find when I did that my catch ratio def increased. Still it can happen but if you give it that little longer to get those trebles in better chance of not whiffing
Date: 09/22/16 06:27 PM

User: hagabass
Comment: I never lose more fish than when I'm fishing topwater. The quantity of bites and blow ups make up for that. I did however lose the "big one" on top water, oh well. Time of year is right, was out last nigh and got a ton of them. Lost the one drag screamer however, typical. I like the spooks but you should check out the Duo Realis pencil baits, they are light but cast far. Great easy action and I swear I get more bites on it than I do on spooks. This is my favorite was to fish so if they make it I bought it and I always go back to my DR pencil.
Date: 09/22/16 10:06 AM

User: badlarry
Comment: I went back last night n got a nice 2lb chunk on first cast. Wind died and so didn't bite. Pulled the spook right out of the mouth of a nice one. Also saw a big fish jump like 20 ft in front of me so tossed the spook at him. It was awesome to see the wake as the fish smashed it but unfortunately he got his head up n did the shake n bake n threw the hooks right before I landed him
Date: 09/21/16 06:50 PM

User: frambrett
Comment: I need to get some of those baits. The Wachusett Rez Addicts guys swear by them for smallies.

My best topwater blowup this year, at the Sudbury Rez, was barely 10 feet in front of me when I was ready to lift my poppe r out of the water. Scared the hell out of me, LOL! I didn't have to reel in much to land him!
Date: 09/21/16 07:28 AM

User: badlarry
Comment: I like spooks and sexy dawgs. I find a little chop is good for top water. Can't see the line. I now never go out without a spook or sexy dawg to throw. I'm addicted to top water. Even the small ones maul the spooks n think they are big!
Date: 09/19/16 10:33 AM

User: frambrett
Comment: I feel your pain, Dave, I lost a big one a few weeks ago at a different place.

I've had a couple of good dusk topwater sessions at the Sudbury Rez myself this summer - nothing big, but continuous action with a popper.

Yet I was there Saturday night until dark and got no topwater bite. There was a onshore breeze so the bass might have had a harder time hearing the popper with the ruffled surface.

The good news is with the water level down with the drought, there's plenty of shoreline to work. Yet somehow the bass eluded me - my only catch was a 17 inch pickerel on a spinner bait.

Let's try to meet up there before the season ends!
Date: 09/19/16 06:13 AM

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